C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Assembly Source File
190 lines
title timers.. timerins, timerrem, and timerint
page 60,132
; The Microcom MNP Library
; (Microsoft C Version)
; timerins -- timer install routine
; synopsis: timerins();
; timerrem -- timer remove routine
; synopsis: timerrem();
; timerint -- timer interrupt routine (invoked on timer tick)
; Modification History
; 10/29/87 - timerint allowed to run with interrupts enabled..gp
extrn _tmr:word
_data segment word public 'DATA'
_data ends
dgroup group _data
_data segment
old_t_vct label dword ; old timer vector contents
old_bx dw 0 ; base
old_es dw 0 ; segment
timer_active db 0 ; timer active flag
tick db 18 ; clock tick count
timer_no equ 6 ; number of timers in table
_data ends
_text segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:_text,ds:dgroup
public _timerins,_timerrem
public cdsg
public _timer_int
; Data in code segment
cdsg dw 0
; timerins - timer installation routine
_timerins proc near
push bp
push es ; save es and ds
push ds
; Check to be sure that the timer interrupt handler is not already
; installed. Do nothing in this case.
cmp timer_active,1 ; already installed?
je tin9 ; yes-go return
; Initialize
mov timer_active,1 ; set timer active flag
mov cs:cdsg,ds ; save data segment
; Save current interrupt vector contents then install our own handler.
mov ah,35h ; get vector request
mov al,1ch ; we want the timer one
int 21h ; int to DOS
mov old_bx,bx ; save vector contents
mov old_es,es
mov dx,offset _timer_int ; point to our handler
mov ax,cs ; be sure ds is right
mov ds,ax
mov ah,25h ; set vector request
mov al,1ch ; we want the timer one
int 21h ; int to DOS
; Return
pop ds ; restore data segment
pop es ; restore es
pop bp
_timerins endp
; timerrem - timer removal subroutine
_timerrem proc near
push bp
; Check to be sure that the timer interrupt handler is already
; installed. Do nothing if not.
cmp timer_active,1 ; installed?
jne tir9 ; no-go return
; Recover old vector contents and put them back.
push ds ; save ds register
mov ah,25h ; set vector request
mov al,1ch ; we want the timer one
mov dx,old_bx ; recover old vector
mov ds,old_es
int 21h ; int to DOS
pop ds ; restore ds register
mov timer_active,0 ; reset timer active flag
; Return
pop bp
_timerrem endp
; timerint - timer interrupt routine
_timer_int proc far
; Initialize
push ds ; save registers
mov ds,cs:cdsg ; enable data addressability
; Re-enable interrupts
; sti
; When a clock interrupt occurs, decrement the second ticker. If the
; ticker goes to zero, count down the second-based timers.
dec tick ; decrement ticker
jnz tiret ; go on if not zero
; Pass through second-based timers and decrement any that are not already
; zero. Zero can mean either 'elapsed' or 'inactive'.
mov tick,18 ; reset ticker
push bx ; save registers
push cx
mov bx,offset _tmr
mov cx,timer_no ; do for each timer
cmp word ptr [bx],0 ; active?
je ti4 ; no-go on
dec word ptr [bx] ; yes-count it down
add bx,2 ; advance to next timer
loop ti3 ; and try again
pop cx ; restore registers
pop bx ; and go on
cli ; disable interrupts before call
pushf ; this is to simulate an int instruction
call old_t_vct ; inter-segment indirect call
pop ds
sti ; re-enable interrupts
iret ; and return from interrupt
_timer_int endp
_text ends